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Monday, March 16, 2009

#tag version : lalala~

1. How old will you turn in 2009?
-forever 21.. lalala~

2. Would you date someone
8 years older than you?
-tlalu tua tuk aku rsnyaa.. xnk laa~

3. What were you doing at 4am this morning?

-nyenyak tido bsama maisara yg sentiasa ada dsisi aku.. thx syg~

4. What's your relationship with the person you last texted?
-clazmate tyme sek.. igt lg dia padaku~

5. What did you do today?

-bgn tghari, kuar bsama una n dayut, balik tdo, bgn tgk spa q, online, update blog.. claz? xde kowttt.. lalala~

6. What is the last card you play?

-x ingat laaa, da bkurun lamanyaa..

7. Where are your siblings?
-Azrin Azmi, berada di USJ bsama isteri kesayangan dia..
Nur Azura Azmi
, berada di Damansara bsama suami tcinta dan Izra, baby boy yg comel bangat!

8. Would you back in time if you were given the change?

-yes! i want to..

9. Do you want kids?


10. Are you in
love with anyone?
-yups! he is my all.. i lurve him.. sorry guys, my heart is belongs to HIM..

11. Are you a
jealous person?
-a'ah kowtt.. haha~ xde kowtt2 da kowtt.. mmg aku kuat jeles!!

12. When was the last time you slept on the floor?

-smlm.. hik3~ tdo ngn Mai after tgk movie..

13. Is your phone close to you?

-nope.. sllu ditinggalkn.. sekadar dipinggiran..
cz xde sapa nk call pown... ayat sedey kn?

14. What is bothering you right now?
-her!! she spoil my mood..

15. What does your last received text message say?

-"Zyra kt bilik dgn sapa?" sms from faten, my cazen..

16. Where are you right now?
-mengadap lappy ksygan, Dell.. diatas kerusi plastik bwarna merah..
dihadapan bilik tv M3 Kolej Masria UiTM Kedah.. jelas x? lalala~

17. Are you listening to the music right now?
-ye laa, music kn menenangkn.. Single Ladies by Beyonce..

18. Do you like country music?

-layan je la, tp xde la addict sgt..

19. Do you like your first name?

-NUR, bmaksud cahaya.. im proud to be myself.. lalala~

20. Last thing you drank?

-teh ais dibeli dr dining Masria.. share ngn Dayut n Una..
sharing is caring~

21. Do you think you are the good person?
-tidak sama sekali.. aku sedar siapa diri aku.. aku bkn gadeez baek..
guys, tlg jauhi aku.. kalau korg xnk dsakiti..

22. Are you currently frustrated with your life?


23. Who are you idols?

-Nabi Muhammad s.a.w..

24. Is there anything you would like to say to someone , but you feel like you cant?

-a'ah.. b, i lurve u so much.. misz u a lot.. sorry...

25. Do you know anyone in a long distance relationship?

-ramai jew... hope diorg berkekalan...

26. Are your confident with your self?

-we have to.. jgn tlalu takut tuk mbuat sesuatu..

27. What is something you say a lot?

-sewel! hahaha~ amat suka mgunakn word turh...

28. Do you have any nicknames?

-ada kew? zyra je org pngil aku.. nickname la turh kn? hik3~

29. Are you angry at anyone?

-sgt2 mrh!

30. Do you sing a lot?

-xsgt kowtt.. suara x sedap.. huhuhu~

31. Are you currently interested in someone?

-nope! aku da cm xde perasaan je skng neyhh...

32. What song are you listening to?
-skng eyh? ntah.. lagu apa ntah Una neyh pasang.. da la kuat, bising laks turhh.. ngeh3~

aku nk suma org dlm list tepi neyh buat jgk...

x perlu cmtu kowtt...

man michael, nadia, sharon, fizazaza, ira munirah,
seterusnya siapa yg baca smpai habis.. korg kena buat jgk! sapa suh korg baca.. lalala~


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